I do not want my name to appear alongside the activity (for example, "John Doe- New Year's Day").
Answer: Create a new user, with login and standard access rights:
- Choose File, point to Administration, and click Define Users.
- At the Define Users dialog, click Add User.
- In the User Name field, type Holiday.
- Select Standard Security Level and make sure that Enable Logon is checked. Click OK.
- At the Assign My Records dialog box, click Assign.
- At the Enter My Record Information dialog box, type Holiday in the Name field, then click OK.
- At the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
- At the Assign My Records dialog box, click Done.
To schedule holidays, log in to the database with the user name Holiday. Schedule your holidays as timeless to-dos, but bear in mind that some holidays do not always fall on the nominal date, but on a federal Monday (which is why scheduling them as recurring activities might not work properly). Consider using an unusual color, to make it easy to see and engender excitement in the workplace. When you are finished, close the database, reopen it, and log in with your normal user name. Now, when you look at your calendar, your holiday will display as "Holiday - Christmas Day." On the monthly calendar, holidays will display in the grid; on the weekly and daily calendars, they will display on the right side of the screen, as do all timeless activities.
Act4Advisors http://software4advisors.com Allied Financial Software, Inc.
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Last Updated 20th of January, 2009
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